Snoring and Sleep Disorders
Snoring and Sleep Disorders in Irvine, CA
STANFORD's postgraduate ENT training allowed clinical exposure to STANFORD's Sleep Disorder Clinic - Center of Excellence, world leadership in research and especially in the many treatment options for obstructive sleep apnea / snoring disorders. Having continued involvement in several University level programs as well as now personal experience with several 1000's of patients and various medical and especially Surgical treatments, exemplifies our ongoing interest in Snoring & Sleep disorders.
Sleep Disturbance Breathing occurs because of the different size & state of the upper breathing passages that occurs when awake compared to asleep, which is 1/3 of the human lifetime, resulting in noisy breathing or Snoring and if worse Obstructive Sleep disorders. It probably affects ~10% of all women & ~25% of all men, and presents with a variety of Daytime & Nighttime Symptoms... commonly including:
Daytime Complaints - Nighttime Complaints -
* morning sleepiness * snoring/breathing problems
* waking up tired * frequent self awakenings
* morning headaches * nightmares/night terrors
* morning dry mouth * choking or gasping for breath
* morning sore throats * observed apnea/stopped breathing
* excessive daytime sleepiness * reduced sexual performance
* memory problems * frequent bathroom trips
* personality / mood changes * increased body/leg movements
* afternoon tiredness, napping * swelling, heart racing, anxiety
* difficulty concentrating * chest pain, irregular heartbeats
Complications of SLEEP BREATHING disorders include:
* High blood pressure / Hypertension
* premature heart attacks
* regular heart beats / arrhythmias
* strokes
* sudden deaths at night
* poor worked performance / job issues
* motor vehicle accidents
* bed partner's 'chronic complaints' !!!
* weight gain, depression, increased 'medical health' problems
* increasing mental status deterioration
We offer multiple MEDICAL & SURGICAL Treatment options:
* Experienced Clinical Examination & Diagnosis &Testing Options,
* Prevention & Sleep Hygiene Counseling,
* In-office Snoring / Sleep Apnea adjuvant Treatments
* Nasal/Tonsil Palate/Throat & Tongue 'sleep anatomy' improvements,
* Alternative approaches to airway management ie., nasal, dental, CPAP technology,
..... depending upon the most appropriate choices & individual patient preferences.
If you or a loved one suffers from chronic snoring or sleep disorders, call Dr. Victor Strelzow at (949) 753-9299 for an appointment in Irvine, CA today!